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AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT ENROLLMENT: For Immediate ReleaseFor more information, contact Patrice Perry518-828-3375LANDOWNERS APPLY IN OCTOBER FOR AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT ENROLLMENTMost of the land used for agricultural production in Columbia County is in one of ten agriculturaldistricts. Columbia County is accepting applications now from landowners interested in havingtheir property included in an Agricultural District certified by New York State Department ofAgriculture and Markets (NYSDAM). This opportunity is for only 30 days each year, and inColumbia County that is the month of October. Explanation of the process may be found here: direct link to the application form may be found here: apply for inclusion this year, send the completed application to the Clerk of the ColumbiaCounty Board of Supervisors. The postal address for the Clerk is 401 State Street, Hudson, NY12534. Email - [email protected] of Land Being in an Agricultural DistrictAgriculture plays an important role in the local economy. Columbia County agricultural districtsare comprised of primarily viable agricultural lands currently used or that may be used in thefuture for agriculture. The benefits are to encourage the continued use of farmland foragricultural production, and promote the availability of land for farming purposes. One benefitagricultural districts afford is protecting landowners and farmers against local laws that mayunreasonably restrict farm operations within an agricultural district.The ProcessAt the end of October, all requests are referred to the County Agricultural Farmland ProtectionBoard (AFPB). The AFPB will determine if the land to be included consists predominantly ofviable agricultural land and if inclusion would serve the public interest by helping to maintain aviable agricultural industry within the district. The AFPB makes a recommendation to theCounty Board of Supervisors within 30 days and a public hearing is held for public comment.After the public hearing, the County Board of Supervisors adopts or rejects the inclusion of theland into an existing agricultural district. This action must be taken no later than 120 days afterthe termination of the annual 30-day period (for Columbia County, this is October). If approvedby the County Board of Supervisors, the recommendation is forwarded to NYSDAM. Ifapproved by NYSDAM, the tax parcels are included in one of the county’s agricultural districts.Tax parcels may only be added and not removed during these 30 days.For information please contact the Columbia County Planning Department (518) 828-3375,Patrice Perry, Director, [email protected]*****************************************************************************
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