CAC Open Position: REQUEST FOR APPLICANTS HILLSDALE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL   The Hillsdale Town Council and Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) are accepting applications to fill a vacancy on the CAC. The CAC is a five-member advisory body that gathers and disseminates information, conducts research and makes recommendations to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Town Council on matters related to the development, management, and protection of natural resources. Eligible applicants must reside in the Town of Hillsdale and have a strong interest in the mission of the council, the time and willingness to work on CAC tasks, and the ability to work cooperatively with other CAC members and town agencies. Knowledge and experience in the environmental sciences, land use planning, engineering, or environmental law are preferred but not required. Members are appointed by the Town Council for two-year terms. This is a volunteer position for which there is no compensation. Applications should include a resume and a cover letter that briefly describes the applicant’s relevant qualifications and the reasons for their interest in the CAC position, and should be submitted by 15 November to: [email protected]

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