PUBLIC NOTICE: COLUMBIA COUNTYBID NOTICENotice to bidders.Please take notice that the Town of Hillsdalehighway department is seeking bids for thefollowing materials. 1. # 1 Washed stone2. # 1A Washed stone3. # 2 Washed stone4. Tailings5. Item 4 gravel6. Screen fill7. Stone fill8. Crusher run gravel9. Winter snow sand10. #1 Drainage stone11. #2 Drainage stone12. #3 Drainage stone13. #4 Drainage stone14. Blacktop The Town of Hillsdale highwaydepartment is seeking bids for a fullyinsured TREE CONTRACTOR.Contractors must have at least threemillion dollars in liability insurance.All bidders must have a truck with atleast 60’ aerial working height. Bidsmust be accompanied with aninsurance certificate.Tree contractors must be qualified towork around electric lines. OSHAcertificate must accompany the bid.der. All bids will be for the timeperiod of January 15, 2025, thruJanuary 15, 2026. A non-collusivebidding certificate must accompanyall bids. The town board reservesthe right to accept or reject any andall bids. The Town of Hillsdale HighwayDepartment is seeking bids toresurface (1 ½ compacted blacktop)a section of Mitchell Street,approximately 2.1 miles. RICHARD BRIGGS, HighwaySuperintendent 518-325-4744 

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