Zoning Board

the Zoning Board of Hillsdale will be hearing two applications by Kristina Dousharm Architecture LLC on 44 Mansfield Road for:… Read More

Town Board

Live at Town Hall and on Zoom Logon: 862 1516 1343

Economic Development Committee

Via Zoom Meeting ID : 856 7238 2419 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85672382419?pwd=NHd1aGNiSGdzQkIzMVBIMkNSZkk3QT09 Passcode: 041350 Dial in: 646 558-8656   

Zoning Board

The Zoning Baord will hear an application for a Special Permit  by Jim Wright, dba Grass Fed Arts LLC, for… Read More

Town Board

Meeting will be live at Town Hall and available via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86215161343 Meeting ID: 862 1516 1343 Dial in: +1… Read More

Safe at Home Committee

Cook & Larder, in the Hillsdale General Store Building, on Rt. 23