Housing Committee

The Housing Committee works to preserve the unique character, culture, and economic vitality of our community by ensuring that it welcomes and supports a diverse population, representative of every income level. Toward that goal, the Hillsdale Housing Committee is committed to preserving and increasing opportunities for low and middle-income individuals, couples, and families to make Hillsdale their permanent home.


Shirley Bresler
Joe Browdy
Tom Carty, Town Board Liason
Rene Gibson

Rick Kumro
Janis Smyth

Frank Upham

Joan Wallstein
Laurie Winfrey

Ellen Grob Levy, Chair

Committee Meeting Notes are available here.

Programs and Activities

  1. Conduct research to measure the need for below-market-rate housing and recommend strategies to achieve a greater range of housing choices;
  2. Raise awareness among, and enlist the support of, key community interest groups about the need for a variety of housing options, including below-market-rate housing. Those groups include:
    • Hillsdale residents, homeowners and renters, full time and part-time residents
    • Elected officials
    • Real estate professionals and organizations
    • Church leaders
    • Social service organizations
  3. Explore successful examples of affordable housing activities in surrounding communities.
  4. Recommend changes to the current zoning ordinances and other local or State rules, if necessary, to facilitate the preservation of existing, and the creation of additional, lower-cost housing for local residents, including seniors and working families, within the Town.
  5. Seek to provide some below-market housing within the Town, through cooperation with Habitat for Humanity, a qualified developer or consultant.


The Housing Committee will seek to accomplish the following:

Year 1:  Seek and secure a site on which to develop two Habitat units. Continue to work to on other housing support projects, such as providing information for Seniors and renters to assist them to improve their housing situation.

Year 2: Continue to work with Habitat for Humanity to develop housing plans. Consider other community activities in support of housing affordable to seniors and workforce families.

Year 3: Complete at least two Habitat housing units in conjunction with Columbia County Habitat for Humanity. Continue other supportive housing activities for the community.